
Chat with Me

I'm interested in understanding how people who are taking medication for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and/or heart disease feel about their diagnosis and how they manage their condition.

Your opinion matters.

Many people diagnosed with serious illnesses feel misunderstood. No one seems to hear you nor to have time to listen to what you have to say about your condition. It's about to change. 

I'm interested in hearing from you. 

I'd love to talk to ask you a few questions about your experience, no more than 30 minutes on the phone. Anything you can share with me would really help me better serve this community.

There's no sales pitch at all - just real, honest conversation.

During our time, I'll ask you:

  • When were you diagnosed?
  • How did you feel?
  • Did you try to make lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, quitting smoking) to avoid taking medication?
    • If so, what changes did you make? What was your biggest challenge?
    • If not, what held you back from trying?
  • What did your doctor recommend to manage the diagnosis?
  • Do you want to get off your medication?
  • Have you ever tried to work with anyone to get off the medication?
  • Has the medication had any side effects?
  • How is your diagnosis impacting your life?
  • What would your life look like if you didn't have this condition?

Please complete the form below

Once you click submit, you'll get the link to schedule the call.