Struggling to Go Vegan? Here’s Why


So you want to go vegan, but you don’t know where to start or what to eat.

We’ve all been there and look - I understand the struggle. So today, I’m gonna show you 3 ways to move past this roadblock by changing how you see food.

See the Abundance

The first thing you need to do is see the abundance in the world of plants and explore it.

When you hear the word vegan, you probably see restriction, scarcity, and limitations. You see a plate of food with an empty space where the meat used to be.

The truth is, vegan meals are full of abundance. There are probably over 20 different kinds of vegetables and at least 10 types of fruit at your local grocery store. And I’m not talking about Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s. I’m talking about Farm Fresh, Shoprite, and Wal-mart.

There are also so many different types of grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds that you probably don’t even know about and have never tasted. All of these foods, when prepared with flavorful seasonings and sauces, can create delicious, satisfying, and filling meals.

See Your Options

My second tip is to see all of your options to replace non-vegan foods and be open to them.

You’ve probably heard about the Impossible Burger and the Beyond Burger, but what you might not know is that there are vegan substitutes for almost every type of meat - from sausage, to chicken, pork, deli slices, hot dogs, meatballs.

There are vegan substitutes for dairy-based foods like yogurt, cheese, cream cheese, sour cream, butter, and ice cream.

There are vegan substitutes for eggs that you scramble, and eggs that you bake with.

You can make so much progress by just swapping the non-vegan ingredient in your meal with the vegan version. I have a list of vegan substitutes on my website that’s impossible to keep current. The link is in the description if you wanna check it out.

There are so many foods and dishes that I didn’t try until I became vegan. So, embrace curiosity. It will take you far.

See the Vegan Food That You Already Eat

My third tip is to see the vegan food that you already eat.

It seems like some people think vegan food is a completely different category of food. It isn’t. Vegan just means that it doesn’t contain animal products. It doesn’t mean that it’s healthy, unprocessed, sugar-free, gluten-free, clean, natural, organic, or low calorie.

It just means that it doesn’t contain animal products. That’s it.

So, if you’ve ever eaten pasta with marinara sauce, hummus, salsa, guacamole, oatmeal, bagels, french fries, rice, sorbet, pretzels, tortilla chips, or potato chips, you’ve eaten vegan food.

Vegan food isn’t different. It’s familiar. Eating vegan diet is not about living with scarcity and deprivation. A vegan diet is full of abundance. You just have to learn to see food differently.